Legal Information


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Media Owner and Editor

ICLaVE|11 – Vienna
University of Vienna (Department of German)
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Vienna

Responsible for Contents and Editing

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra N. Lenz

University of Vienna
Department of German
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-421 52
F: +43-1-4277-421 50


For the contents of any documents published on our webpages (pdfs, presentation slides, articles, etc.), responsibility rests with their authors, as do authorship rights and copyrights, as well as the responsibility for upholding good scientific practice (see e.g., particularly regarding authorship and copyright law.

Despite careful editing and review, we can accept no liability for contents provided on any other websites linked to on our pages. Responsibility for these contents rests solely with their providers.

Please address any questions or concerns in this regard to our web editors (iclave11(at), who will consider each case and take any action that may be required (such as deletion of content).

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Banner images: authorship & license as indicated for each element; or CC0, if no further indication is provided.
Icons by

The ICLAVE|11-Logo

ICLaVE|11-Logo by Alice Männl, graphic designer -
All rights reserved by the team of ICLaVE|11 and Alice Männl. You may use the logo for promotional purposes of this conference only. If you would like to use this logo for any other purposes, please contact the conference organizers of ICLaVE|11. If you would like to use any another version of the logo, please contact Alice Männl.


In case you should discover any missing or incomplete information regarding source, authorship or copyright regarding any content published on our webpages, please contact the web editors at iclave11(at), who will review each case and supplement any missing information.


by HCB & LMB | see: